ptexenc †ptexenc のマニュアルを英語で書いています。 ptexenc を CTAN に取り込んでもらう時には必要だろうと思って 書きはじめましたが、一人でやっているとくじけそうなので、 ひとまずここに張り付けてしまいます。 ptetexWiki:UTF-8対応(4) あたりが情報源です。 以下の README は, ptexenc を手に入れた人が最初に読むための文書です. ptexenc の詳細や目指す方向について (英語で) 記述するページは新たに ptexenc/Details に設けました. README †いろいろコメントをいただいたので、仕切り直しました。 "1. What is `ptexenc'?" は短くしたかったので、細かい話を省きました。 「archive に含まれている patch」という書き方にして、 そうではないパッチの存在を暗示してみました。 //=========\\ || ptexenc || \\=========// 1. What is `ptexenc'? `ptexenc' is a useful library for Japanese pTeX (which stands for publishing TeX, and is an extension of TeX by ASCII Co.) and its surrounding tools. `ptexenc' provides a better way of handling character encodings. `ptexenc' is not an official product of ASCII Co., so pTeX and other tools need some patches to make use of it. Some patches are included within this archive. `ptexenc' was derived from pTeX first, and then added some extensions by N. Tsuchimura with help of T. Tanaka. Its license is modified BSD (same as pTeX). ------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Outline Typically, we need TeX Live 2007 to install `ptexenc.' `ptexenc' depends on kpathsea and the directory structure of TeX Live 2007. As `ptexenc' is a mere library, application users will not be conscious of it, but software developers will be blessed with it. It's because they can simplify the sources with separating the character coding operation. However, many applications do not have `ptexenc' support now, we supply patches to the following software as examples: -- -- -- (Note: Some of them are distributed via CTAN, but the CTAN version tends to be old.) The patches included in this archive provide `autoconf' support, too. This means that installation processes of those applications are unified, though the installation processes will differ from the originally documented ones. Note: Officially, pTeX stands on the basis of teTeX-3.0, but not on the basis of TeX Live 2007. We solve this problem, i.e., this archive includes a patch on pTeX which adapts pTeX to TeX Live 2007. ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. How to install (1) Extract `source.tar.bz2' of TeX Live 2007. (2) Extract ptexenc-*.tar.gz and ptex-src-*.tar.gz, etc. Rename their directory names exactly as bellow. texk/ptexenc texk/web2c/ptexdir texk/mendexk (optional) texk/makejvf (optional) (3) Excute "./ptexenc/patches/" in "texk" to apply patches under 'texk/ptexenc/patches' directory. The following patches will be applied. -- ptex-src-3.1.10-ptexenc.patch -- ptex-src-3.1.10-texlive2007.patch -- mendexk2.6e-ptexenc.patch -- makejvf-1.1a-ptexenc.patch (Note: jmpost-0.04b-ptexenc.patch doesn't work now.) (4) Extract ptex-texmf-*.tar.gz under $TEXMF. (Note: The current version of ptex-texmf-2.5.tar.gz contains an extra directory "ptex-texmf". This should be removed.) (5) Excute "./Build" script as normal TeX Live. (6) Specify your "nkf" command in the last line of "$TEXMF/web2c/texmf.cnf" to enable automatic encoding detection.