Gentoo Linux ~amd64 †必要パッケージ †すみません,全部は覚えていません. sys-apps/ed を手動で入れないといけなかったはずです. ptexlive.cfg †主な変更点は以下の通りです. ISO_DIR=/mnt/cdrom TEXLIVE_DIR=$ISO_DIR TMP_PREFIX=/tmp/ptexlive2009 make_option -j 3 # for 2 core conf_option --with-xdvi-x-toolkit=motif PSPDF=echo メッセージ †実際の実行は, make stage2 stage3 stage4 macro otf ./ ←自作.後に添付 make fonty test として行いました.make install までは行っていません. 以下に の中身を貼り付けます. 一応ハイフネーションパターンは読まれるようになったようです: #!/bin/bash # # pTeX に各言語のハイフン定義ファイルを読み込ませ, # Babel マクロパッケージをちゃんと使えるようにします. # PTEXLIVE_VER=`ls ../ptexlive-*.tar.gz|sed "s/.*ptexlive-//;s/.tar.gz//"` pushd ../ptexlive-$PTEXLIVE_VER . popd # test -f $TEXMF/ptex/platex/config/hyphen.cfg && \ mv $TEXMF/ptex/platex/config/hyphen.cfg \ $TEXMF/ptex/platex/config/hyphen.cfg.ptex LOADHYPH_SED="s/\\\\ifx\\\\secondarg\\\\empty/\\\\ifx\\\\false/" # usage: forcenoutf8 $TEXMF path name # loadhyph-*.tex use greek characters to detect whether the engine is # Unicode-aware. So this detection fails in pTeX and its derivatives. # (greek characters are present in JIS X 0208) # This forcenoutf8 procedure disables this detection. forcenoutf8() { echo "[rewriting] $1/$2/$3" test -d "$1/p$2" || $MKDIR "$1/p$2" perl -p -e $LOADHYPH_SED \ < "$1-dist/$2/$3" > "$1/p$2/$3" || exit 1 } ### (1) update detection forcenoutf8 $TEXMF tex/generic/dehyph-exptl dehypht-x-2009-06-19.tex forcenoutf8 $TEXMF tex/generic/dehyph-exptl dehyphn-x-2009-06-19.tex pushd $TEXMF-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph for x in loadhyph-*.tex; do (cd ../../../ ; forcenoutf8 $TEXMF tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph $x) done popd ### (2) change encod ing pushd $TEXMF-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns for x in *.tex; do (cd ../../../ ; eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/hyph-utf8/patterns $x) done popd pushd $TEXMF-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/special for x in *.tex; do (cd ../../../ ; eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/hyph-utf8/special $x) done popd ### Following lines are from of ptexlive-20100322 ### (3) change encoding (to coexist with Japanese EUC, SJIS) ## ukrainian as OT2 encoding perlprint 's/^(ukrainian\s+ukrhyph.tex)/%! \1/g; s/^%! (ukrainian\s+ukrhyph.ot2)/\1/g' \ $TEXMF/tex/generic/config/language.dat distcp $TEXMF tex/generic/ukrhyph ukrhyph.tex perlprint 's/(\\patterns\{ c8h d8j k8h l8j n8j s8h s8h8c8h t8s x8q y8a y8u z8h \})/%\1/g' \ $TEXMF/tex/generic/ukrhyph/ukrhyph.tex ## russian as OT2 encoding distcp $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen ruhyphen.tex perlprint 's/^(\\def\\Encoding\{t2a\})/%\1/g; s/%(\\def\\Encoding\{ot2\})/\1/g' \ $TEXMF/tex/generic/ruhyphen/ruhyphen.tex distcp $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen koi2ot2.tex perlprint 's/^%(\\patterns)/\1/g' \ $TEXMF/tex/generic/ruhyphen/koi2ot2.tex distcp $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen ruhyphal.tex perlprint 's/^(2\xcb1\xc82)$/%\1/g; s/^(\xd31\xc82)$/%\1/g; s/^(4\xd41\xd32)$/%\1/g; s/^(2\xdb1\xde)$/%\1/g; s/^(\xd9\xd52)$/%\1/g' \ $TEXMF/tex/generic/ruhyphen/ruhyphal.tex ### (4) convert 8bit character into ^^?? form eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/ukrhyph ukrhypmp.tex eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen ruhyphen.tex eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen catkoi.tex eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen koi2ot2.tex eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen ruhyphal.tex eightbit2hex $TEXMF tex/generic/ruhyphen cyryoal.tex ## update fmt $MKTEXLSR || exit fmtutil-sys --byfmt latex || exit fmtutil-sys --byfmt platex || exit # fmtutil-sys --byfmt eplatex || exit |